Receive a professional evaluation (editorial assessment) of your manuscript to uncover its strengths and weaknesses. Your experienced book coach will analyze your writing style, narrative voice, and market potential, and provide you with a comprehensive report and personalized recommendations for improvement.
The cost of a 25-page mini-manuscript evaluation is $235 USD.
To sum up you’ll get:
✨ my eyes on 25 pages of double-spaced 12-font Times New Roman pages of your novel, essays, or story collection
✨ my comments right in the text to help you understand what is working well, what your work needs more of, and what I see emerging so you can realize your work’s potential.
✨ a short report that breaks down stylistic elements at work in your sample; emerging and/or recurrent symbols, images, themes, and ideas to develop as you continue to write and revise; craft tips that will quickly improve your pages and ALL of your writing.
✨ recommended reading and resources as applicable.
An editorial assessment is a valuable first overview of your manuscript by a professional editor. Your editor will read through the entire manuscript and provide thoughtful, in-depth feedback concerning elements, such as plot, characterization, structure, consistency, and style. The assessment will identify your book’s strengths and weaknesses, and help you devise a revision strategy that dramatically improves the execution of your idea.
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